Food in Penang is easy to find. Hawker stalls at every turn of the street, you will not go hungry in this town. The matter of finding the best of the best however, I am no expert in so I can't recommend you the famous stalls for char koay teow, prawn mee, chee cheong fun etc. However, other bloggers would have already obliged so I suggest a quick google for "Penang's Best (enter food name)" if you're serious patronizing these places.

Part of a food adventure is walking into a restaurant you have not heard of, and have no idea what to expect. Sometimes, you get the most horrible food for the most expensive price, while other times the most run-down restaurant serves the most tasty dishes. Fortunately for me, I stumbled upon this place which impressed me so much I am still craving for another dish of chicken rice right now.

How is it different from any other chicken rice shop? Well, for one thing it did not make me burp garlic breath, and my palate did not detect the usual pungent aftertaste of MSG. The chicken stock was subtle yet sweet enough to make a distinction.

The portion served was generous for one person, the skin was silky smooth without subcutaneous fat and the breastmeat (normally my least fav part of the chicken) was surprisingly tender. RM4 per plate with a bowl of chicken rice and soup.

This is called Chai Boey stewed in sourish and spicy broth to whet the appetite. RM4 per helping.

I only wished I was not dining alone, could have called for the roasted version also, and a side dish of chicken gizzard and liver.

Fatty Loh Chicken Rice, formerly in Pulau Tikus is located along Nagore Road, which incidentally is also part of the heritage row.

This is shot from within the restaurant, while I was waiting for my order.

Old fashion tiles

Border patterns

Walk out and you will have a good sight of old colonial shophouses

Is charming, no?

They just don't make them like they use to anymore.

See the underside of the roof?
Along the walkways, tiled walls withstood the change of time

We don't see these type of designs around anymoreUnique architecture must be preserved!
Quaint shutters
All these great photo opportunities came with a good meal of chicken rice. Priceless!
wow u have skill in photography... like ur style.. hehe
Wah, thanks for advertising Penang! Great pics!
BTW the dish 'kiam chye' should be correctly called 'chye boay'. It's like chop suey with all odds and ends like pork or chicken bones, skins, meat thrown in. The veg used is fresh green 'kwa chye' and not kiam chye or salted vegetable. Just a feedback, don't be offended hor?
adilahazni: Thank you for your compliments, you made my day! :)
Hope you drop by now and then for new posts.
James: Noted! Where got offended, am caustic, but not siew hei one.... I must have mistaken the dish with my dad's version. Have made the ammendments.
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