It was not a laughing matter. Went for a skin biopsy to check out a mole which has been with me since childhood. Only recently, it turned crusty and started to bleed when I scraped it. Nasty fellow.
So to the doctor it is! Cautherize? No way. I recommend the old-school slice and dice method ie. excisional biopsy. That is the correct way of doing a skin biopsy.
Will show you the offending mole in my next post..... If you show me yours ;)
Will show you the offending mole in my next post..... If you show me yours ;)

Bloody ooze: clotting and crusting over the sutures

Dr: Ooh... it's healing very well.
Kutucat: It is? Seems to me like there's a lot of stuff going on out there.
After one week, I went back to the clinic for follow-up. The doctor said that my wound was healing well and praised me for being such a good girl (What am I.... 5 years old?). But I did feel proud lah - I was very diligent in cleaning and dressing my wound daily okay.

RM4.90 per box of 20 strips
Am allergic to plasters hence the rashes and broken skin (erosion) which gave me two days of crazy intense itch, I could let it hang lose without bandages on except I'm afraid the suture migh get caught in the fabric and get yanked out accidentally... with little pieces of my flesh trailing behind the string. And my guts leaking out the gapping wound. No thank you. I have Handsaplast Sensitive! A hypoallergenic plaster with soft flexible material which allows skin to breathe. The adhesive is kind on the kind too.

Ahhh... nice...
More to come in the next installment. You will never look at another raisin the same way again.
Ouchh...this must be painful
More itchy than painful actually.
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